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Pre-Screening Questionnaire

Our pre-screening questionnaire (PSQ) helps determine if our services are right for your situation. 

There is no charge for completing it.

If we find that we can favorably assist you with your claim, we will contact you and let you know which services we recommend. The cost for each service is listed below under "Our Services". 

If we find that we are unable to favorably assist you with your claim, we will contact you and let you know. We'd rather lose your business to someone who can better assist you than to waste your time and money.

Click the button below to access the PSQ.

Client Testimonials

Our clients are extremely pleased with our services!

"These [nexus letters & DBQs] are just fabulous and I am feeling so confident about submitting my claim with all these documents."


Army Veteran

"Thank you for all your hard work. I submitted everything today. The VSO said everything was top notch. I believe this to be Divine appointment!"


Airforce Veteran

In response to our YouTube video:

"Listen to this man y'all. Thanks Dr. Britton I got a DBQ from you for Asthma. [It] came back on July 18th @60%.


Army Veteran

Our Services

Though benefits, such as disability benefits, are available to veterans today, many find it difficult to actually obtain them. Often this is due to incomplete documentation, misinformation, and incomplete medical evidence to support service-connection. In addition, there are medical examiners who provide biased medical opinions against veterans. 

At FIT TEMPLE 365 our goal is to provide fair, honest and complete evaluations and opinions. Our veteran's services include:

Nexus Letters

Nexus Letters provide evidence which strengthens the connection between your military service and your disease, injury or condition. They can potentially increase the likelihood of your disability claim being approved. They also may help you get a higher disability rating, which in turn, may increase your disability compensation amount.

We provide strong Nexus Letters which contain key components to give you the best chance at winning your disability claim. 

Cost: $599 per letter


DBQs provide medical information which supports your claim. Incomplete DBQs may lessen your chance of claim approval.

We provide fully completed DBQs which contain necessary information to support your disability claim. 

Cost: DBQ Only ($149), DBQ & Physical ($249)

Medical Records Review

Medical Records Review is necessary to gather information needed to complete your Nexus Letter and DBQs. It also helps us gain insight we need to best assist you with your claim.

Medical Record Review can also be beneficial for veterans seeking other types of VA benefits (such as Combat-Related Special Compensation, Etc.).

We review medical records with a skillful and competent eye. We know what information is pertinent or not.

Cost: $199 for the 1st 400 pages, $50 each additional 50 pages


The consultation is a chance for all parties to ask questions and get a clear understanding of expectations. In it we will clearly explain next steps. We may also gather further information that was not present in the PSQ. 

We want you to feel completely comfortable with working with us before moving forward. 

Cost: $149

Why Use Us?


If you perform a google search for "cost of a nexus letter" you will find that the average is around $1500 per letter. There are even providers who charge $3000 per letter. At only $599 per letter, ours is a fraction of their costs. 


Unlike other practitioners and companies that provide similar services, we are transparent about our process and our prices (which we openly list). There are no hidden costs or surprises.

Honesty & Integrity

We take pleasure in being honest and showing integrity. We will let you know if we feel that we are unable to help you. We won't just simply take your money.

We also refuse to write letters for individuals who prove to be dishonest about their situation. We'd rather lose business than to be unethical and dishonest. 


Your case will be reviewed by Dr. Marco Britton, who has practiced medicine since 2012 and has evaluated veterans since 2016. He has worked in various settings over the years and has evaluated and treated numerous medical conditions, including: musculoskeletal conditions (spine, limbs, joints, etc.), toxic exposures (chemicals, biological agents, etc.), head injuries, skin conditions, noise exposure, traumatic events and more. 


The credentials of the person who writes your Nexus Letter has the potential to help or hinder your claim. Certain credentials carry more weight. Dr. Britton, is a licensed board-certified physician with a masters in public health. These credentials may be viewed as more favorable to the person evaluating your disability claim than another practitioner who does not have them. 

Our Process

Complete PSQ

Click the button above to access the PSQ. Remember, there is no charge for completing it.

PSQ Review

We will review your PSQ to see how we can best serve you. 

Next Steps

If we feel that we can favorably assist you, we typically will contact you within a few days to let you know which services we recommend and to provide you with the next steps. Be aware that it could take longer than a few days to respond depending on our workload. However, we will contact you as soon as we can.

If we feel that we are unable to favorably assist you, we will also contact you and let you know. Claims that do not have key components will typically get denied by the VA. If we see that you do not have those components we will not waste your time and money, and, at most will offer limited service. 


Our goal is to help improve your chances of getting approval for disability benefits for your service-connected conditions. However, there are several factors that contribute to your case being approved or denied. Ultimately, the decision will be determined by the rating veterans service representative or "rater".

With this being said, we are unable to give any guarantees that your disability case will be approved or that you will be rated to receive disability benefits. 

Make sure you educate yourself on how to submit a claim. You can find further information on the Veterans Administration (VA) website.

Click the button below to gain access to their website. 

My Father's Story

"Serving veterans is personal to me"

My father, father-in-law, several friends and family members have risked their lives to serve this country.

This is why I count it an honor to be able to serve veterans like them!


During the Vietnam War my father served this country as an Army soldier. When he finished his commitment, he left with several awards and medals, including medals of honor and Purple Hearts. Though he was wounded in battle, and suffered through mental and emotional issues after discharging, he did not have access to the same support and resources that are available to servicemen today.

At age 54 my father died from a cardiac arrest, though he appeared to be in good shape. Within 5 years of my dad’s death I started medical school, and later went on to become a board-certified physician. Through my training and personal research, I learned that some of the exposures my father had during his time in service were possible causes or contributors to his undiagnosed medical conditions. 

I can’t help but think that if he would have known the long-term effects associated with the exposures he was subjected to, and if he was still alive in this day and time, he would have the opportunity to obtain the resources and compensation he deserved for suffering with his potentially service-connected conditions.

Sadly, my father isn’t here to reap the benefits of his time in the armed services. However, I am here today to assist veterans like him.

Dr. Marco Britton


YouTube Channel: @FT365Veterans

Dr. Britton

New Access To Housing Assistance

3 Ways You Can Lose Your 100%

How Much Should Nexus Letters Cost?

Is A $3000 Nexus Letter Worth It?

5 Conditions That Get You 100%

Benefits You Get

How to File a VA Disability Claim

Veteran Gets $500,000 In Backpay

Reasons to Use a VSO

90% to 100% VA Disability Rating

90% to 100% VA Disability Rating (PART 2)

Do I have to attend my C&P exam?

Do I have to attend my C&P exam? PART 2

Thank you for your service!

Location & Contact Information

  • 1241 W. Green Oaks Blvd.

    Arlington, TX 76013

  • 1-817-704-3365

  • Copyright © 2024 FIT TEMPLE 365, PLLC